Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Netflix Time Wasters, The Wonder Years

Oh little Kevin Arnold and Winnie Cooper, how your 12-year-old romance makes me smile.

A few weeks ago, I discovered The Wonders Years had been added to Netflix's Instant Queue. I immediately celebrated.

I forgot how much I love Fred Savage, and how great this show is until I started watching it again on Netflix. The Winnie and Kevin young love is just too adorable at times. Fortunately, romance aside, the show is a great reflection of how I imagine the late 1960s and early 1970s to be. From Kevin's hippie older sister to his stern and unsmiling father, everything about this show is charming and quaint. In fact, I imagine that, had I grown up in the 1960s/1970s, my family would look very much the same.

Here is how I see it: my older and younger sisters would be hippies (despite the general typecasting of me as the hippie in this family) because they are rebellious and quirky, respectively, which fits Karen Arnold; my older and younger brother are stellar in the role of pestering and annoying brother, so they were really made for the role of Wayne Arnold; my dad was raised in the military so he can successfully play stern and he rarely smiles, he is like a modern day Jack Arnold; lastly, as a teacher in California, my mom is currently unemployed so she is getting great practice as the stay-at-home mom/wife, hello Mrs. Arnold! Obviously, I'd be a female version of Kevin because this is my life so only I could have the starring the role. It'd be like if Winnie were Kevin and then Kevin were Winnie.

I forget what my point was with that last bit...To conclude, The Wonders Years is one show definitely worthy of consuming your evenings before bed and your freetime on the weekends.

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