I rarely hear from you two so let's change that. Today I'm instituting a sharing time. I'll share something about me, and you follow up with a comment about you. So, let's begin.
My first ever concert was a free concert at the LA County Fair when I was 10 years old and the performer was Weird Al. I don't know what possessed my mom to take me and my four siblings (aged 4-13) to the show except insane fandom. I dread the thought of taking a single small child to any sort of crazy hectic place like a fair or amusement park, yet my mom took her 5 children to the fair and then, after a long afternoon of doing "fun" kid stuff she braved waiting in line for general admission seating at a fairground concert with her five children arguing and whining at her feet (we were totally annoying children that grew into totally annoying adults). And now, thanks to her, I can say that my first experience into the world of concerts was Weird Al.
In honor of this, here is a new Weird Al song and video...
So, what was your first concert?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Who am I?
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) My mom is a singer, song-writer who first garnered success in the early 2000s with her guitar in hand.
2) She won a Grammy for a collaboration she did with a very famous Mexican American rock guitarist
1) My mom is a singer, song-writer who first garnered success in the early 2000s with her guitar in hand.
2) She won a Grammy for a collaboration she did with a very famous Mexican American rock guitarist
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
It All Ends
The countdown to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is by far the most exciting thing in my life right now. I swear, everytime I turn on the TV there is a new preview for the movie and with each preview my excitement for the movie grows.
I've already re-read the books and re-watched the movies, and yet with each preview I feel a little less prepared for the end. The countdown both excites and terrifies me. I remember when book 7 came out and the sorrow that followed my completion of the text. The only thing that got me through the pain was knowing that the movies weren't complete so the end was still several years away. "I'll just leave that sorrow for future Cindy to deal with."
AHHH!!! Future Cindy isn't ready for it to all be over!!!
I've already re-read the books and re-watched the movies, and yet with each preview I feel a little less prepared for the end. The countdown both excites and terrifies me. I remember when book 7 came out and the sorrow that followed my completion of the text. The only thing that got me through the pain was knowing that the movies weren't complete so the end was still several years away. "I'll just leave that sorrow for future Cindy to deal with."
AHHH!!! Future Cindy isn't ready for it to all be over!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Who am I?
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
Two kids, two celebrity parents. This one is tricky because the photo is not of the children's faces, so I better make the clues good.
1) Mommy is a famous Hollywood actress, and both her parents were involved in film and television.
2) Daddy is the lead-vocalist for a Grammy-award winning English group
Two kids, two celebrity parents. This one is tricky because the photo is not of the children's faces, so I better make the clues good.
1) Mommy is a famous Hollywood actress, and both her parents were involved in film and television.
2) Daddy is the lead-vocalist for a Grammy-award winning English group
Monday, June 20, 2011
In Other News...Bristol, Miley, and Khloe
Here is a summation of happenings in the lives of females celebrities you probably don't care much about, but since you are easily captivated by the rich and famous and/or most likely bored at the current moment, you'll read about them anyways.
Bristol Palin is following in the footsteps of Keanu Reeves and releasing a depressing book. Well actually its an autobiography, but since she is the 20-year old daughter of Sarah Palin, single mother of Tripp Johnston, and ex-girlfriend of Levi Johnston, I imagine the content is more or less depressing. Kind of sucks to have the world watching you make mistakes at such a young age, but hopefully there is some hopeful message at the end about how she has learned from her mis-steps and hopes other girls don't make the same mistakes she did.
Speaking of young people who make mistakes with a billion people watching, I know you've been wondering whether or not Miley and Liam Hemsworth were ever going to get back together, and so it is with great pleasure I announce that they are on-again. Alas, a Miley and Nick reunion is thwarted again! I know, I know, Nick and Miley are both seeing other people and if Disney has taught me anything, it is that young love will not last (Justin and Britney, Zac and Vanessa, Nick and Selena, etc.). Yet I still secretly hope that one of those stories will eventually end with a Disney worthy "happily ever after."
And to conclude this post, Khloe Kardashian and her crew hit up Las Vegas this weekend to celebrate her birthday. The best way to celebrate a milestone like 27 is to have some club sponsor a party where you show face with other people, meanwhile the club is mostly packed with strangers you have never seen, and will probably never see again. Oh to be rich and famous.
Bristol Palin is following in the footsteps of Keanu Reeves and releasing a depressing book. Well actually its an autobiography, but since she is the 20-year old daughter of Sarah Palin, single mother of Tripp Johnston, and ex-girlfriend of Levi Johnston, I imagine the content is more or less depressing. Kind of sucks to have the world watching you make mistakes at such a young age, but hopefully there is some hopeful message at the end about how she has learned from her mis-steps and hopes other girls don't make the same mistakes she did.
Speaking of young people who make mistakes with a billion people watching, I know you've been wondering whether or not Miley and Liam Hemsworth were ever going to get back together, and so it is with great pleasure I announce that they are on-again. Alas, a Miley and Nick reunion is thwarted again! I know, I know, Nick and Miley are both seeing other people and if Disney has taught me anything, it is that young love will not last (Justin and Britney, Zac and Vanessa, Nick and Selena, etc.). Yet I still secretly hope that one of those stories will eventually end with a Disney worthy "happily ever after."
And to conclude this post, Khloe Kardashian and her crew hit up Las Vegas this weekend to celebrate her birthday. The best way to celebrate a milestone like 27 is to have some club sponsor a party where you show face with other people, meanwhile the club is mostly packed with strangers you have never seen, and will probably never see again. Oh to be rich and famous.
In Other News...Keanu Reeves
Keanu Reeves, depressing author, expands his résumé. Reeves is one of those Hollywood actors who is always being made fun of for his Ted Logan personality
The constant teasing could make anyone depressed. So naturally, Keanu Reeves has written a depressing book and promises a similar book of haikus to follow. Either he is great at making fun of himself, or he is carrying deep pain within that Canadian heart of his. I suppose a Canadian would have to be comfortable with making fun of him/herself in order to make it in Hollywood. Canadian jokes are a dime a dozen.
If I'm completly honest, I love the Sandra Bullock/Keanu Reeves movie The Lakehouse. I don't care that it has a 36% score on Rotten Tomato or that the storyline has absolutely no basis in reality (communicating with someone from different years via a mailbox???) I still love it. Thank you Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves for that pointless romantic comedy I proudly call a guilty pleasure.
The constant teasing could make anyone depressed. So naturally, Keanu Reeves has written a depressing book and promises a similar book of haikus to follow. Either he is great at making fun of himself, or he is carrying deep pain within that Canadian heart of his. I suppose a Canadian would have to be comfortable with making fun of him/herself in order to make it in Hollywood. Canadian jokes are a dime a dozen.
If I'm completly honest, I love the Sandra Bullock/Keanu Reeves movie The Lakehouse. I don't care that it has a 36% score on Rotten Tomato or that the storyline has absolutely no basis in reality (communicating with someone from different years via a mailbox???) I still love it. Thank you Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves for that pointless romantic comedy I proudly call a guilty pleasure.
In Other News...Ryan Reynolds
Another day, another dollar not earned. Le sigh...such is the life of an unemployed college grad.
You'd think, with all my free time, I'd be able to update more. That is a valid point.
Just for you, today I'll be sharing 5 recent posts I did for Socialite Life
Ryan Reynolds looks splendid as he promotes The Green Lantern and shows appreciation for San Diego Marines. Unfortunately, someone shared with me her belief that my brother resembles Ryan Reynolds and now I can't fully appreciate him. I hope you are able to able to recognize Ryan's beauty.
For the record, I fully disagree with the opinion that my brother resembles Ryan. I feel robbed. See for yourself.
You'd think, with all my free time, I'd be able to update more. That is a valid point.
Just for you, today I'll be sharing 5 recent posts I did for Socialite Life
Ryan Reynolds looks splendid as he promotes The Green Lantern and shows appreciation for San Diego Marines. Unfortunately, someone shared with me her belief that my brother resembles Ryan Reynolds and now I can't fully appreciate him. I hope you are able to able to recognize Ryan's beauty.
For the record, I fully disagree with the opinion that my brother resembles Ryan. I feel robbed. See for yourself.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Who am I?
Round five
This round, I'm giving you a picture of child and daddy since daddy is less recognizable than mommy.
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) I flippin gave you the dad, that should be good enough.
2) However, I do like to point out that mommy was on the Classic Nickelodeon show The Secret World of Alex Mack.
This round, I'm giving you a picture of child and daddy since daddy is less recognizable than mommy.
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) I flippin gave you the dad, that should be good enough.
2) However, I do like to point out that mommy was on the Classic Nickelodeon show The Secret World of Alex Mack.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Katy Perry Sings About Last Friday Night
Katy Perry has been posting pics of a nerdy, brace-face, head-gear version of herself for sometime now and tonight we finally got to uncover the context. Katy debuted the video for her single 'Last Friday Night' which features a bevy of cameos from Glee's Darren Criss and Kevin McHale to Friday's biggest star Rebecca Black, even Hanson got a spot in the 8+ minute video that is a throwback to the 80's.
Check out the video, courtesy of Funny Or Die:
Check out the video, courtesy of Funny Or Die:
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Who am I?
Round 4...
We are doing something new this round, instead of a single child you get three celebrity kids, and they all have the same parents! I'll consider that hint number one since that is a bit of an anamoly.
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) (see above)
2) Our mom starred alongside her mom
3) Our dad is currently famous for playing a doctor on TV and in a popular movie franchise
We are doing something new this round, instead of a single child you get three celebrity kids, and they all have the same parents! I'll consider that hint number one since that is a bit of an anamoly.
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) (see above)
2) Our mom starred alongside her mom
3) Our dad is currently famous for playing a doctor on TV and in a popular movie franchise
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tom Felton Celebrates Twilight Wins
Oh Tom Felton, how I swoon for you.
Just after I get done huffing and puffing over the disappointing losses of Harry Potter at the MTV Movie Awards, I notice he has posted on Twitter
Now, grammar jokes aside (as AJ put it "there/their/they're is Engli-versal") he is totally adorable for downplaying any competitive spirit between the two franchises. Yes, yes, the actors are all hard working and deserving of recognition for their work.
Also, I should point out that the awards are fan voted, so clearly the Harry Potter fans (myself included) did not adequately support the franchise. We'll get them next year.
Just after I get done huffing and puffing over the disappointing losses of Harry Potter at the MTV Movie Awards, I notice he has posted on Twitter
Tom Felton: also lovely hp fans lets be happy for twilight for all there wins, it doesn't need to get all competitive, they are very well deserving!
Now, grammar jokes aside (as AJ put it "there/their/they're is Engli-versal") he is totally adorable for downplaying any competitive spirit between the two franchises. Yes, yes, the actors are all hard working and deserving of recognition for their work.
Also, I should point out that the awards are fan voted, so clearly the Harry Potter fans (myself included) did not adequately support the franchise. We'll get them next year.
Harry Potter Don't Get No Love From MTV
It has been many years since I felt a desire to watch anything on MTV, for this reason it should not surprise me that the list of winners at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards last night is rather disappointing. However, I still choose to be angry. Can we all just please agree that the Harry Potter franchise is far superior to the Twilight franchise? As I've said before, I closetly enjoy the Twilight books, and I did spend some 20 hours in Westwood in Novemeber 2009 to catch the red carpet premiere of New Moon (see picture above), but I still admit Harry Potter has more storyline, excitement, and general entertainment to offer.
So why did Harry Potter lose in every category it was against Twilight? The only HP win was for Mr. Tom Felton who won in the category of Best Villain, a category which was void of any Twilight nominees. Oh MTV viewers, how you continue to strip me of any hope for a decent future in cinema.
Despite the no-love reception at the MTV Movie Awards, fans were treated to a new sneak peek of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II.
And here is a previously released trailer, for your additional enjoyment
As an aside, they also premiered the new trailer for Breaking Dawn, Part I, at the MTV Movie Awards and I admit I enjoyed it.
So why did Harry Potter lose in every category it was against Twilight? The only HP win was for Mr. Tom Felton who won in the category of Best Villain, a category which was void of any Twilight nominees. Oh MTV viewers, how you continue to strip me of any hope for a decent future in cinema.
Despite the no-love reception at the MTV Movie Awards, fans were treated to a new sneak peek of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II.
And here is a previously released trailer, for your additional enjoyment
As an aside, they also premiered the new trailer for Breaking Dawn, Part I, at the MTV Movie Awards and I admit I enjoyed it.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Who am I?
Ok Molly, here is round three:
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) I don't want to wait for our lives to be over
2) Sandcastles in the sand
The game: guess my celebrity mom and/or dad
1) I don't want to wait for our lives to be over
2) Sandcastles in the sand
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